Calibration & Repair
Customer Training
Application Engineering
Customer Training Services
Maximize Your System Benefits
the most out of your instrument investment is key. We offer operational
"hands-on" training seminars in the use of our analyzer systems.
These seminars are taught by experienced analyzer experts, and are as
useful to the seasoned pro, as they are to the novice technician.
All system features and benefits, as well as professional operating tips
are covered in thorough detail. We also provide customized on-site training
to help your technical staff obtain the maximum benefit from your instrument.
Our training class covers elements of setup, execution, and analysis
using our DynamicPRO and BalancePro analyzer models. Topics
include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Basics of dynamic signals produced by vibration, sound, pressure,
electrical signals, etc.
- Dynamic signal analyzer principles of operation, analytical methods,
and terminology
- Setup of analyzers for signal acquisition and analyzer displays
- Setup and use of time displays, frequency displays, transfer functions,
and waterfall displays
and operation of specialized measurements and optional measurements
including synchronous time average, impact response, data preparation
for modal/structural/acoustic visualization programs, octave analysis,
and more.
- Operation and use of DDE functions
- Coverage of special topics such as microphone functions, piezoelectric
transducer functions, and other sensors as they relate to use with a
dynamic analyzer.
Call us today for information on upcoming seminars.